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How to Combat Survey Fraud With CheatSweep


Is your survey data accurate? Even with the best survey design and reputable sampling sources, some bad responses inevitably find their way into every survey. CheatSweep™, IntelliSurvey’s proprietary data cleaning algorithm, combats data quality issues by stopping bad actors and poor-quality respondents from compromising your survey results. 

What is Skewing Your Data?

Sample quality can be compromised by several actors. Intentional fraud is one significant contributor, ranging from individual cheaters to organized offenders using bots or even professional staff in survey farms. Additionally, genuine respondents may lose focus during the survey or be overwhelmed by panel routers, leading to poor-quality responses as they attempt to qualify for surveys they aren’t suited for.

How Can Bad Data Harm You?

Contaminated survey results can have serious implications, including financial costs and impact on business decisions. 

Inaccurate data: Poor-quality survey data can severely impact business decisions, leading to missteps such as entering unsuitable markets, targeting the wrong audience, making ill-advised changes to products or services, and investing in areas with no return. 

Wasted resources: Considerable time, effort, and money go into fielding surveys. Utilizing a tool like CheatSweep helps prevent costly data contamination, thereby reducing the need for expensive re-fields and ensuring that resources are used efficiently. 

Modern Data Cleaning With CheatSweep

CheatSweep is an advanced data-cleaning tool that applies a diverse array of techniques to score the probability that a response is fraudulent. It automates conventional approaches to data cleansing and incorporates sophisticated algorithmic detection to identify fraud.

Conventional Data Cleaning

Tried and true methods for conventional data cleaning include checking for speeders, straight-liners, gibberish responses to open-ended questions, and answer inconsistencies. Over the years, algorithms have been developed to flag these types of poor-quality responses to reduce manual review efforts. While these techniques remain necessary, they are not sufficient to counteract the ever-evolving strategies bad actors use to circumvent checks. 

Advanced Data Cleaning

Instead of relying solely on algorithms and manual review, CheatSweep goes beyond conventional checks by utilizing digital fingerprinting, which applies rules based on respondent IP and device data. It also scans patterns from respondent behaviors on each survey page (clicking, typing, etc.). 

CheatSweep offers the option to automatically remove respondents with a high fraud probability. This returns the fraud status to sample vendors without manual intervention. It also saves from counting them towards quotas, resulting in faster and smoother fielding. 

CheatSweep rules are constantly adapted as fraudsters continue to evolve their tactics.

Get Started Today

CheatSweep has been refined through the analysis of millions of responses over the years, proving its efficacy on hundreds of surveys each month. We are confident it remains the most robust and thorough cheating detection system available in the industry. For more information on how IntelliSurvey can safeguard your data for the most accurate insights, please contact us today. 

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