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8 Ways to Use Neuroscience to Improve Your Online Survey Questionnaire


Integrating principles from neuroscience into your questionnaire design can profoundly enhance the quality and reliability of the data you collect. By aligning your survey structure with the cognitive processes of the human brain, you can foster more accurate and meaningful responses. Here’s how to achieve that:

1. Manage Cognitive Load With Care

The brain can only handle so much information at once. When respondents are confronted with overly complex or numerous questions, their cognitive load becomes overwhelmed, which can result in incomplete, random, or abandoned responses.

Recommendation: Keep questions simple, clear, and concise to avoid overburdening your participants. 

Instead of: 

“In 2023, the US inflation rate of consumer goods hovered around 3.4%, while in 2024, the rate of inflation for consumer goods has been lower at approximately 2.9%. Do you find yourself spending more, less, or the same amount on goods during 2024 compared to 2023 when accounting for potential changes in inflation?”


“How has your general spending changed from 2023 to 2024?" You can then include a follow-up question about the impact of inflation on their spending. 

2. Minimize Memory and Recall Bias

Recall bias arises because human memory is not always accurate, which may lead people to forget, misremember, or distort the details of past occurrences. For example, if a survey asks respondents to recall how many times they engaged in a specific activity over the past year, they might struggle to remember the exact number, leading them to either overestimate or underestimate their responses. 

Recommendation: Narrow the recall period to a shorter, more recent timeframe to reduce the burden on memory, making it easier for respondents to recall and provide accurate responses. You can also use examples or prompts to help jog respondents’ memories. 

Instead of:

“How many times did you visit a doctor in the last two years?”


"In the past six months, how many times did you visit a primary care provider (PCP)? Please think about routine check-ups, follow-up appointments, and any visits for new health concerns."

3. Avoid Habituation

The brain's tendency to ignore repetitive stimuli can cause respondents to disengage from your survey. If your survey asks similar questions or repeatedly uses the same question format, respondents might start skimming through without giving much thought to their answers.

Recommendation: Diversify your question formats and response options throughout the survey, incorporating a variety of question types such as Likert scales, multiple-choice questions, and open-ended prompts to maintain participant engagement. Try grouping questions of a similar type together, such as attitudinal questions on a 5-point agree/disagree scale. 

4. Align With Temporal Perception and Timing

Perceptions of time can fluctuate, particularly under pressure or when experiencing cognitive overload (e.g., multitasking while taking the survey). If respondents perceive your survey as overly time-consuming, they might rush through it, compromising the accuracy of their answers. 

Recommendation: State from the outset how long the survey is expected to take (e.g., 10-12 minutes). Keep your questionnaire concise and employ progress indicators to help respondents maintain a sense of momentum.

5. Address the Pitfalls of Affective Forecasting

Humans are notoriously poor at predicting their future emotional states, often leading to inaccurate responses related to anticipated behaviors or events. Forecasts using questions such as “How confident are you that you will purchase product X in the next year?” are frequently tinged with optimism or pessimism, deviating from likely outcomes.

Recommendation: Integrate a calibration factor based on historical data where available. For example, when running “future-focused” purchase likelihood questions, you can review previous studies that compare stated purchase intent with actual purchase behavior. Adjust the final forecast based on this calibration to account for the common overstatement likelihood. 

6. Foster Neural Synchrony

Neural synchrony, or the coordinated firing of neurons, is vital for cognitive processes like attention and memory. When topics shift abruptly instead of proceeding in a logical fashion, that neural synchrony is disrupted, resulting in reduced engagement, lower data quality, and increased drop-out rates.

Recommendation: Design questionnaires with an intuitive flow to minimize cognitive load and preserve respondents’ neural synchrony. For example, when crafting a survey to test a new product concept, you could place an interesting attitudinal question about the product category at the beginning to prime the respondent for upcoming questions. Next, you could ask usage questions, followed by the presentation of new stimuli, such as packaging design mockups. 

7. Leverage Contextual Cues to Enhance Memory Recall

The context in which a memory is formed can influence how accurately it is remembered. When respondents are asked to recall experiences from one context (e.g., workplace behaviors) while situated in another (e.g., at home), the accuracy of their recollections may be compromised.

Recommendation: Incorporate relatable scenarios or familiar reference points within your questions to trigger more accurate memory recall.

Instead of:

“How often did you use public transportation last month?”


“Thinking about your daily commute and any weekend activities, how many times did you use public transportation in the last four weeks?”

8. Prevent Attention Blink

Following a highly emotional or provocative question, the brain may experience an "attention blink," a brief period during which it misses or misinterprets subsequent information. For instance, if a survey asks about a highly controversial topic and then immediately follows up with questions on a different subject, respondents might provide less accurate answers to the subsequent questions due to this brief lapse in attention.

Recommendation: Avoid placing critical questions directly after emotionally charged or complex items. Instead, use a transition or simpler question to refocus respondents’ attention before moving on to more important items.

In Conclusion

Incorporating neuroscientific principles into questionnaire design is an essential strategy for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data collected. By aligning surveys with cognitive processes, you can create more effective questionnaires that yield reliable, actionable results that ultimately elevate the quality of your research. 

Our dedicated market research team stands ready to assist you with questionnaire development and execution. For more information, please contact us today

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