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Thoughtful Programming – a Quick Client Case Study


The CEO wants Nikita’s recommendations next Thursday. Today is Monday. Tight schedule.  The survey has been through a whirlwind of critiques from no less than eight stakeholders. Many changes and re-edits. Now, it is time to get the survey programmed and data collected. Nikita’s IntelliSurvey contact conveyed: test link by Wednesday morning or sooner, iterations based on feedback, and five days expected in the field. 

Early Tuesday evening, Nikita was pleasantly surprised to get an IntelliSurvey email. Instead of merely asking questions, they made thoughtful assumptions, and delivered a survey test link.  Concise. Articulated. Nikita was able to get ahead of schedule. 

Nikita took notice that IntelliSurvey correctly interpreted the intended survey design. This saved tedious back-and-forth that other providers have needed

An excerpt of the IntelliSurvey email message:

Your survey is ready for your testing; links below. A few questions and confirmations for you:

S9 instruction:  “… SHOW ITEMS SELECTED IN S8” was assumed to refer to QS7. Please confirm.
Nikita: correct, good catch.

Q3:  We assumed to randomize the options, anchoring ‘Other’. Is that correct?
Nikita: Yes, thank you.

Q8:  [Terminate if selects “Not at all familiar” for all] – We assumed this means “Not at all familiar” for all options 1-8, excluding 9 ‘Other’ because answering that row is not required. Is that correct?
Nikita: Yes, that was my intention.

Q14:  For the brand deep dive section, the up-to-4 brands selection criteria was not quite clear. We assumed to assign in this order of priority, based on Q8:

1. Company X, if at least familiar in Q8 
2. Listed brands currently using
3. Listed brands have used in the past
4. Other-specified brands currently using

Ties broken by least filled (alternatively, break ties by random selection)
Nikita: Least filled, and your articulated prioritization rules are good.

Q21 to Q24: We assumed to have a link on those pages to pop-up the definition of ‘Cybersecurity Controls’, is that correct?
Nikita: that would be great.

The bottom line: Despite the survey document being imperfect and a consequence of frenzied editing, Nikita got a well programmed survey, quickly. 

Looking for this level of speed and flexibility in your next project? Contact us here.

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